It is a great honor and privilege to serve as your new president this year. Thank you for continuing to be a member of our society and for your continued support of our profession.
There are four major areas I hope to build upon this year as society president. The first is within access and outreach. This year my project is focused on improving referrals for tertiary care services, especially low vision. I hope you will join and support these efforts to increase the access to services for our aging population. Furthermore, I hope you will choose to participate in a survey regarding low vision practice patterns.
The second area of continued importance is legislative optometry. Thank you to those of you who attended COA Legislative Day and AOA Congressional Advocacy Conference. As you all know, we have an optometrist running for Lieutenant Governor, Senator Ed Hernandez. I hope you will join us in supporting him through campaigning and contributions. Please join me as we continue to do our part in making our voices heard at the local, state, and national levels with respect to our optometric rights.
Our goal as a board is to provide you with access to the best continuing education available and to maintain the high quality of education our society is known for. Please take advantage of one of your valuable membership benefits - join us for excellent CE events throughout the 2018-2019 year.
Finally, I hope to bring our society together in more social environments to promote unity and community. With the implementation of our OD mixer last summer, we have created a new space in which our society members can meet and mingle. I hope to grow this aspect of our society and look forward to your continued participation. Please mark your calendars for our summer social on Sunday July 29 at Cornerstone Brewery in Berkeley - guests are invited!
I am proud to be part of our award winning society. Thank you for your continued support of our society, and I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming June General Membership Meeting at Spenger's in Berkeley.
Jazzi Junge, O.D.