ACCCOS Membership Drive

Financial Planning Seminar for Optometrists - Free, Open to All Optometrists

Please join us to learn about student loan payments, purchasing a new practice/home, saving for retirement, and more! This lecture will be DIFFERENT from last year's and will have more opportunity for incorporation of what YOU want to learn more about. Please submit questions, comments, concerns, examples of financial topics you want addressed with your RSVP!

  • Date: Sunday, October 9, 2016
  • Time: 12:00 pm
  • Location: TBA
  • Speaker: Marshall Weintraub
  • Host: Finity Group, LLC & ACCCOS
  • Lunch will be provided. 

Open to all optometrists - ACCCOS members, COA members, and non-members. Please RSVP as soon as you can, so we can plan the location space accordingly. Another e-mail will come when the location is finalized (will be in or close to East Bay).

RSVP: Please fill out this google doc and/or e-mail: with your full name, grad yr, OD school, and questions/topics to discuss.

Please RSVP by September 15th. For more information, please click here to download a flyer.