California Optometric Association - House of Delegates

Come represent ACCCOS at the California Optometric Association House of Delegates (HOD) at the Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel, Los Angeles, CA from Friday February 21 to Saturday February 22, 2020.

As always, we only receive the number of votes as we have delegates present. We are the largest society, so let’s make sure we make our votes count! To defray the costs of attending, you will receive a $400 stipend from ACCCOS for attending both days, and $150 for attending one day only.
You can always sign up as an alternate if you are unsure of your ability to attend. Send an email to to become an alternate.

The deadline to submit our list of delegates to COA is November 11. If you are interested in becoming a delegate, please sign up here.

Friday, January 31, 2020 is the deadline for attendees to make hotel reservations online at the discounted rate of $165 per night, plus tax/tourism fees.