COA HOD Call for Delegates!

Mika Moy, who served as ACCCOS and BAOC president amongst her many other achievements, is one of 5 candidates running for 3 seats. We need all the votes we can get, and we need a full house (20 delegates) to support her!

Please sign up to be a delegate by December 10th, and you must be present for the first session to vote!

To defray costs of attending, you will receive a $400 stipend from ACCCOS for attending both days, and $150 for attending one day only.

Society delegates must be present during the first session of the House of Delegates on Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 8AM-11AM to vote in COA elections.

The second session will take place on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 from about 5:30-7PM. Please sign up here:

If you’d like to be an alternate please email-